Zahrawi Group Awarded Top Performing Distributor for Covid 19 CLIA Sales

Zahrawi Group took the lead since the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 to provide all the possible solutions for the COVID-19 patients. Antibody level testing helps clinicians to establish whether patients have immunity against COVID-19 which impacts the nature of the treatment and the vaccine needed for them.

DiaSorin provided the most comprehensive, accurate, and quantitative assay (LIAISONĀ® SARS-CoV-2 TrimericS IgG assay) which is WHO standardized; therefore we are honoured to announce that Zahrawi Group Molecular, Immunology & Microbiology team was awarded by our partner DiaSorin Top Performing Distributor for COVID-19 as a recognition for the huge contribution to the UAE market during the Pandemic.

Congratulations to them for accomplishing such a remarkable milestone!

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